Welcome to the ADAM-API
Here at adam-interface.herokuapp.com you can find the application programming interface of the Archive of Demo Art and Media. You can access artifacts, persons (artists, curators), events, news, the featured items and the text of the compliance.
This is a project by Marin Balabanov. For more information please visit mbalabanov.github.io/adam/.
GET (root):
Example: GET adam-interface.herokuapp.com/
GET all:
Example: GET adam-interface.herokuapp.com/all
- /all - The complete set of archive data (does not include news, compliance text and featured items).
Example: GET adam-interface.herokuapp.com/artifacts
- /artifacts - All artifacts.
- /persons - All persons.
- /events - All events.
- /news - All news items.
- /compliance - All compliance pages.
- /featured - The four items to be featured on the frontpage.
Example: GET adam-interface.herokuapp.com/artifacts/a1
- /artifacts/id - A specific item from the list of artifacts.
- /persons/id - A specific item from the list of persons.
- /events/id - A specific item from the list of events.
- /news/id - A specific news item from the news list.
- /featured/id - A specific item of the four featured on the frontpage.
- /compliance/id - A specific compliance page.
Example: DELETE adam-interface.herokuapp.com/artifacts/a1
- /artifacts/id - Delete a specific item from the list of artifacts.
- /persons/id - Delete a specific item from the list of persons.
- /events/id - Delete a specific item from the list of events.
Example: PUT adam-interface.herokuapp.com/persons/p0
- /artifacts/id - Edit a specific item from the list of artifacts.
- /persons/id - Edit a specific item from the list of persons.
- /events/id - Edit a specific item from the list of events.
- Structure of artifacts, persons and events
- id (String)
- category (String)
- name (String)
- aliases (Array)
- shortdescription (String)
- longdescription (String)
- dates (Array)
- label (String)
- date (String)
- tags (Array)
- images (Array)
- id (String)
- url (String)
- name (String)
- description
- videos (Array)
- id (String)
- url (String)
- name (String)
- description (String)
- websiteURLs (Array)
- id (String)
- url (String)
- name (String)
- assets (Array)
- id (String)
- url (String)
- name (String)
- artifacts (Array)
- persons (Array)
- events (Array)
- /news - The contents of all news items must be changed at once. There are three news items, each with the structure below.
- Structure of news articles
- id (String)
- title (String)
- image (String)
- largeimage (String)
- shortdescription (String)
- articletext (String)
- /featured/id - The contents of all featured items must be changed at once. There are four featured items, each with the structure below.
- Structure of featured items
- id (String)
- image (String)
- title (String)
- description (String)
- link (String)
- /compliance/id - The contents of all compliance pages must be changed at once. There are five compliance pages, each with the structure below.
- Structure of compliance pages
- id (String)
- category (String)
- title (String)
- firstimage (String)
- secondimage (String)
- articletext (String)
POST (WITH the parameter 'new'):
Example: POST adam-interface.herokuapp.com/collections/new
- /artifacts/new - Create a new item in the list of artifacts.
- /persons/new - Create a new item in the list of persons.
- /events/new - Create a new item in the list of events.